Appraising a domain via the Brandpa API

Accessing the API

Access to API is only available to selected partners on request. Learn how to get an API key.

Request format

Make a HTTP GET request to: with the following arguments:

  • key – your API key
  • domain – the domain you wish to appraise


  • You can only appraise .com domain names at this time, as Brandpa only accepts .com domains, and valuations for other domains would be significantly different.
  • We don’t appraise domains for household trademarks (e.g. “”) or highly offensive terms, e.g. swear words.
  • We record all API use and reserve the right to throttle or disable access if it is excessive.

Response format

Responses return a JSON object:

  "domain": "",
  "created": 1594568546,
  "version": "1.1",
  "state": "allowed",
  "special": "",
  "estListPrice": 4995,
  "word": "BrandBot",
  "tld": "com",
  "syllables": 2,
  "markov": 100,
  "words": [
  "error": null

For successful responses:

  • domain – the domain name requested.
  • created – when this appraisal was completed, as a UNIX timestamp. Responses can be cached, so this might be some time in the past.
  • version – the version of BrandBot conducting the appraisal.
  • special – a special state, which can be  tooLow if the domain is valued less than what Brandpa would accept, tooHigh if the value is too high (over $50000 USD) to be reliably appraised, or empty for all other domains.
  • estListPrice – our estimated listed price for this domain.
  • word – the text part before the TLD.
  • tld – the domain’s TLD (e.g. “com”).
  • syllables – the number of syllables in the domain’s word.
  •  words – BrandBot’s best guess for the word boundaries in the domain, e.g. for “brandbot” it might see “brand” and “bot”.
  • error – always null if the request was successful, otherwise an object containing title and body (see below).

Handling failures

If a request fails, not all properties may be present. A failing response will always contain an error object, containing a title and body property:

  "domain": "",
  "created": 1594569119,
  "version": "1.1",
  "state": "rejected",
  "special": null,
  "estListPrice": null,
  "word": "BrandBot",
  "tld": "couk",
  "syllables": null,
  "markov": null,
  "words": null,
  "error": {
    "title": "We only accept .com domains",
    "body": "The vast majority of our customers are looking for .com domain names."


All requests are cached at Brandpa’s discretion. We will generally purge our cache after a significant BrandBot version increase.