Brandpa is a website that sells domain names owned by other people. Every domain name comes with a logo. When you buy a domain from Brandpa, you’re paying to own that domain name and the design of the logo.
What happens after you buy
Your payment and the domain name are held securely in escrow. This guarantees that you will receive the domain, or your money back.
Brandpa will contact you to arrange transfer of ownership of the domain to you. This will mean moving the domain into the account of your domain registrar (such as GoDaddy). Once this is done, you are able to use the domain for anything you wish.
If you buy a domain via instalments, the process is slightly different. You will be able to use the domain, but you won’t own it until it is fully paid for.
About Brandpa
Brandpa has been selling thousands of domain names around the world since we launched in 2017.
You can see some of our happy customers here, and read reviews about Brandpa on Facebook and on Trustpilot.
We use Stripe and SSL encryption to protect and manage all of your payment details.
Payment options
For most domains, Brandpa can accept payment by cards, Apple Pay, or by wire transfer. In the US, we also accept payment via ACH.
Still have questions?
We’re happy to help – you can get in touch with our support team here.